Book Tickets Online / Visit a library (cash only)
A high energy and all-inclusive experience that will get everyone having fun with beats and rhythms. Never touched a drum? Doesn't matter, Anthony Paul will support you to have a go. All instruments provided.
‘Didn’t want it to end.’
Access information: Samba drumming is loud, ear plugs are supplied, or you can bring your own ear defenders.
Enjoyment is the main aim; everyone will be making mistakes as they learn.
Drumming takes place with hands or sticks. Shakers are also used.
Papworth Library, Pendrill court, Ermine St North, Papworth Everard, CB23 3UY
When: Saturday 17th May 2.30pm
Running time: 2 hour workshop
Suitable for: Families (7+ yrs) and Adults
Tickets: £6.50 / £3
Book Tickets Online / Visit a library (cash only)