Accessible events this season

This page has a list of all accessible events this season. They are grouped by the additional access that has been arranged. Service animals are welcome at all our events, not just accessible events.

If you need information about toilets and transport for a particular venue the information is included on the event page. If you need to see which venues are accessible to you visit our venue blog.

To request additional access for any event, even if it looks like we don’t provide it, please contact us by email and we will do our best to make arrangements for you.

Relaxed Events

Safe spaces where special consideration is given to the sensory needs of Neurodiverse / Autistic audience members. Neurotypical audiences are also welcome.

  • Bring sensory aids, vocalise and move around during the event.

  • There is a quieter space provided with chairs.

  • Photos and a video tour of the venue (see the event page)

  • A staff member who has Autism Awareness Training will be present.

  • Overhead lights will be off for daytime activities, this is not possible for evening events.

British Sign Language events

These are performances where a BSL (British Sign Language) interpreter is provided and where someone who speaks BSL will be at the event to greet audiences.

Dementia Friendly Events

Events designed to accommodate people living with dementia.

  • There are lower audience numbers than at our other events (maximum 35).

  • There is a quieter space available, away from the event.

  • Events are during daylight hours.

Captioned Events

The words are displayed on a screen near the stage or in the set and can be seen at the same time as they are spoken or sung. Speakers’ names, sound effects and offstage noises are also shown.

Hearing Looped Events

Hearing loops are available. For activities without the hearing loop logo, we can provide a loop if you inform us at least 10 days in advance.

Touch Tour Events

If you would benefit from a touch tour before a performance, please contact us when you book your ticket so we can try to arrange this for you. You can bring someone to describe the performance to you for free by booking a (free) companion ticket.


Choosing Introduction


Watch Video trailers for Performances on the Menu for Autumn 2025