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To Read
If you're new to gardening, this book is an excellent introduction to the basics. For people who are most interested in what their garden can offer to their kitchen, 'The Edible Garden' has lots of tips for growing fruit and vegetables. And for those with only a teeny tiny garden or only a windowsill, this book will give you ideas for making the most of even the smallest spaces. Don't forget our magazine collection too - Amateur Gardening is a weekly magazine full of garden inspiration.
Every Friday, Cambridge University Botanic Gardens are hosting a virtual walk around the gardens - a ‘wellness wander’. While the gardens are closed, this is a way to be uplifted by the sights and sounds of the unfolding spring.
While the Botanic Gardens are closed, the team at Cambridge Botanic Gardens have been posting weekly videos with hints and tips about wildlife and gardening.
One of the best ways to learn about gardening, and to share the delights of growing, is to join a horticultural society - and there are many in the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough area, offering garden visits, talks, seed swaps and more. You can use the Royal Horticultural Society’s map to find a group.
To Listen
Listen in to the weekly podcasts from the Royal Horticultural Society as well as access the back catalogue.
Grand gardens around the world have posted virtual garden tours online. So now even if it's sleeting outside, you can still take a virtual wander around the rose beds at Kew and admire the waterlilies at Giverny.