Upcoming events.

Fugolburna Film Screening plus Q&A
A film about our chalk streams, from Fulbourn Forum.
Free event, please book in the library or contact BarHill.referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Engage: Market Towns of East Anglia
This is a free event, but donations are welcome.
Book in the library or email: Cambourne.Referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Engage: London Ambulance Solo Responder
This is free event, but donations are welcome.
Book in the library or email: Wisbech.referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

EverySpace Digital Demo Day
Come and experience the March EverySpace like never before with the awesome 20Twenty Productions team!
Step into the recording booth – Lay down a track, record a voiceover, or just have fun experimenting with sound!
Ever dreamed of being a news presenter? Try out our greenscreen studio and deliver your very own news segment – just like the pros!
Unleash your creativity with our cutting-edge Creative iPad apps – draw, design, animate, and explore endless digital possibilities.
Channel your inner entrepreneur - by taking photos in our Product Photography lightbox - bring along your favourite item.
Don't miss out on this chance to get hands-on with exciting media and tech! Come along and bring your creative ideas to life!
All Children must be accompanied
Free Drop-in

Mother’s Day Crafts
Let your Mum or someone special know they rock by making them a Mother’s Day card and decorating a personalised pebble.
This craft event is suitable for children aged 4 years +.
£2 per child. Booking is essential as places are limited.
All children must be accompanied by an adult.
For more information, please ask a member of staff, call 0345 045 5225 or email: Huntingdon.referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Mother’s Day Crafts
This is a paid event.
Book in the library or email: Huntingdon.Referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Climate Hope: Future Energy
The future for global energy is brighter than you think! Prof S. Keshav from Cambridge University explains why we can feel hopeful.

National Theatre screening: Romeo & Julie
This is a free event.
Book in the library or on Eventbrite: http://cambslib.eventbrite.com

Author Talk: Rosie Zanders @Bar Hill Library
As part of our regular Coffee, Cake and Conversation sessions on a Tuesday morning, this month we have an author talk.
Rosie Zanders, a former Cambridge Blue Badge Guide, will be talking about her book Cambridge per diem, a daily chronicle of Cambridge connections.
This book is a collection of Cambridge anniversaries, at least one for every day of the calendar year; it offers stories, reflections and insights into some of the remarkable people who have inhabited or passed through this remarkable city. The talk is tailormade for 1st April, focusing on today’s anniversaries.
Free to come and everyone is welcome.

Engage @ St Ives : Sacred Heart Catholic Church
For this talk we go out into the community and meet actually inside Sacred Heart Church, where we will discover the unique story of Pugin's Little Gem.
Please note, the talk will be taking place at Sacred Heart Church and not at St Ives Library.
Engage talks are free, but we kindly ask for a donation towards the cost of running and organising the wonderful events we put on.
To book your place, ask at the front desk in St Ives Library or email stives.referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Engage: The Digital Switchover
This is a free event, but donations are welcome.
Book in the library or email: Huntingdon.Referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

The Great Eggscape Hunt @ Bar Hill Library
Ask a member of staff for a passport and pencils.
Travel around the world (library) looking for your next destination.
Get your passport stamped on completion.
9 different travel options to try.
Donations welcome.

The Great Eggscape Hunt @Histon Library
This event takes place during library opening hours.
This is a free event.
Book in the library or email: BarHill.Referrel@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

The Great Eggscape Hunt @Cottenham Library
The event take place during the library opening hours.
This is a free event.
Book in the library or email: BarHill.Referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Bridge Building Workshop @Papworth Library
This is a paid event.
Book in the library or email: BarHill.Referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Know Your Neighbourhood (KYN) Chess Club
This is a free event.
Book in the library or email: March.Referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

The Great Eggscape Hunt @Papworth Library
This event takes place during library opening hours.
This is a free event.
Book in the library or email: BarHill.Referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Table Tennis Games @Papworth Library
This event takers place during library opening hours.
This is a free event.
Book in the library or email: BarHill.Referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Spring Crafts at St Ives Library
Join us for a fun filled morning of crafts and activities - come with a spring in your step!
Book your place at the library or by emailing stives.referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk
£1.00 per child - ages 4-11
Children must be accompanied by an adult

The Great Eggscape Hunt @Willingham Library
This event takes place during the library’s opening times.
This is a free event.
Book in the library or email: BarHill.Referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Engage: Mrs Cromwell’s Recipes
This is a free event, but donations are welcome.
Book in the library or email: Ely.Referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Code Mechanics
This is a free event.
Book in the library or email: March.Referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Engage: Churchill’s Secret Army
This is a free event, but donations are welcome.
Book your tickets in the library or email:Ely.Referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Engage: Genius Alert: Shakespeare
This is a free event, but donations are welcome.
Book in the library or email: StNeots.Referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Unicorn Day Crafts
This is a paid event.
Book in the library or email: Huntingdon.Referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Unicorn hobby horse
Celebrate Unicorn Day by creating your very own magical unicorn to ride home on.
£2 per child. Booking is advised as places are limited.
This event is suitable for children aged 4 years +.
Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Please ask a member of staff, call 0345 045 5225 or
email: Huntingdon.referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Carnival Games
This is a paid event.
Book in the library or email: Cambourne.Referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Easter Holiday Craft
This is paid event.
Book in the library or email: Wisbech.referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk
Easter Storytime at Ramsey Library
Join us for our Storytime Easter Special. There will be stories, rhymes and crafts.
Suitable for under 5s (Older siblings welcome).
Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Free but donations welcome.

Lego club
Come and build something amazing with our huge collection of Lego bricks!
All ages are welcome. 50p per child - book a ticket or drop in and pay on the day. All children must be accompanied by an adult.

This is paid event.
Book in the library or email: Wisbech.referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Spring Crafts at St Ives Library
Join us for a fun filled morning of crafts and activities - come with a spring in your step!
Book your place at the library or by emailing stives.referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk
£1.00 per child - ages 4-11
Children must be accompanied by an adult

Stories for Spring @Histon Library
Join us in welcoming the Cambridge Storytellers to Histon Library, for some springtime stories!
This event is aimed at families, and children age 4-8, but anyone is welcome.
Supported by the Friends of Histon Library.

LEGO Robot Wars Easter
This is a paid event.
Book your tickets in the library or email:Ely.Referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk
Spring Crafts At Ramsey Library
Drop in for children’s Spring & Easter themed crafts.
Suitable for ages 2-12 (Younger siblings welcome).
Children must be accompanied by an adult.
£1 per child.

Spring Crafts
This is a paid event.
Book in the library or email: Cambourne.Referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Imagination Station craft activity
Come and join us for creative, story based crafting fun at Whittlesey Library.
For ages 3 years and over. All children to be accompanied by an adult. 50p per child, tickets available from the library Help Desk.

St Neots Library Pop-up Book Club - What you are looking for is in the library
Our pop-up book club choice for April is What you are looking for is in the Library by Michiko Aoyama. A book about books to celebrate World Book Night! Read the book in advance and come along to discuss in a relaxed environment over tea & biscuits!
Free to attend. Book your place by emailing StNeots.Referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Craft Club
This is paid event.
Book in the library or email: Wisbech.referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Climate Hope: Youth Power
COP29 youth delegate Millie May illustrates how young people have the power to inspire us all to take action on climate change.

Author Talk - Heidi Swain
This is paid event.
Book in the library or email: Wisbech.referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Meet Robin Ince
Popular author, broadcaster, comedian and passionate library advocate, Robin Ince, is visiting Huntingdon Library! Drop in and say hello to Robin when he stops by to meet and greet library visitors. All welcome, no need to book.

An afternoon with Robin Ince
Enjoy an afternoon with Robin Ince, popular author, broadcaster, comedian and passionate library advocate.

DigitalSpaces VR Tour at Wisbech Library
#DigitalSpaces VR Tour will be in Wisbech Library on Friday 2nd May and Saturday 3rd May.
Experiences include Wallace & Gromit, The Lark Ascending, Monoliths, Phase Space and Berlin Blitz 1943.
This event is suitable for ages 12+, though younger people may take part at the discretion of staff. All children must be accompanied by an adult.
This event is free, but booking is required. To book a place, call us on 0345 045 5225 or ask a member of staff in the library.

Author Talk: Fiona Schneider
Join us at Wisbech Library for a talk by Fiona Schneider Author of The Paris Affair
This event costs £3. Please book your place at the library Help Desk.
Refreshments will be on offer.

Climate Hope: Adapt & Change
Can we meet both human food needs and nature conservation goals? Innovations in the seafood sector are aiming to achieve just that.

Fugolburna Film Screening plus Q&A
A film about our chalk streams, from Fulbourn Forum.
Free event, please book in the library or contact Cambourne.referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

An evening with psychological thriller author Alison Stockham
Bestselling author of psychological thrillers, Alison Stockham, introduces her latest novel The Man She Married.
Please note: Event requires one ticket per person. Book on Eventbrite.
Free event, but donations gratefully received.

Meet your Local Children’s Authors at Cambridge Central Library
This is a free event.
Book in the library or on Eventbrite: http://cambslib.eventbrite.com

Mother’s Day Crafts
This is a paid event.
Book in the library or email: Huntingdon.Referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Engage Extra Workshop: The Watchful 'I' - Writing your own Haiku
Join local poet Stuart Henson, for a beginner’s workshop on creating your own Haiku.
Try your hand at the smallest of poems and cultivate the art of looking - taking inspiration from Stuart’s latest poetry collection “A Handful of Wasps” and the wonderful illustrations by Houghton-based artist Bill Sanderson.
Image: Wasp Apple by Bill Sanderson
£4 per person. Tea/coffee provided. Adults only.
Booking required. Ask at Huntingdon Library, call 0345 045 5225, or email Huntingdon.Referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Engage - Scam and Fraud Awareness - Cambridgeshire Police
An overview of how criminals know your email address and telephone number, how they use the telephone and the internet to send you messages with the intent of deceiving you into believing they are genuine. With a raised awareness you will be in a good position to help manage suspicious communications and protect your electronic devices from cyber criminals.

Engage: Read a Little Aloud: Childhood Favourites @ Histon Library
Join us to enjoy short readings from best loved children’s books, past and present. Just listen, or bring readings of your own to share.
Refreshments available.
Dontations welcome.

Engage: Life in the Colonies: A Woman’s Role
This is a free event but donation are welcome.
Book in the library or email: Wisbech.referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Space Crafts
This is a paid event.
Book in the library or email: Huntingdon.Referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Imagination Station craft activity
Come and join us for creative, story based crafting fun at Whittlesey Library.
For ages 3 years and over. All children to be accompanied by an adult. 50p per child, tickets available from the library Help Desk.

This is paid event.
Book in the library or email: Wisbech.referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Digital Switchover Event
This is a free event.
Book in the library or email: Cambourne.Referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Engage: Recycling - What where, how and why @ Papworth Library
Join Jonathan Crisp, Waste Education Officer based at the Thaila Waste Management site in Waterbeach, to find out more about recycling in South Cambridgeshire.
Drop-in session with refreshments.
Donations welcome.

Engage: Pottering in the Pightle
This is a free event, but donations are welcome.
Book in the library or email: StNeots.Referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Engage: conversations with an Executioner
This is a free event, but donations are welcome.
Book your tickets in the library or email:Ely.Referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Engage: Local Author Diane Calton-Smith
This is a free event, but donations are welcome.
Book in the library or email: Ely.Referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Library@Home event at Comberton Library
Come and find out more about this wonderful service. Lindsay Healy will talk about how the Library at Home service can improve people’s quality of life. Volunteer Suzan Griffiths will talk about her experience.
Tea and coffee provided. All are welcome. We accept donations.

Craft Club
This is paid event.
Book in the library or email: Wisbech.referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Space Mobile Craft
Join us for Science week and make an amazing space mobile out of recyclable materials.
This craft event is suitable for children aged 4 years +.
£2 per child. Booking is essential as places are limited.
All children must be accompanied by an adult.
For more information, please ask a member of staff, call 0345 045 5225 or email: Huntingdon.referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Space Crafts
This is a paid event.
Book in the library or email: Huntingdon.Referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Lego club
Come and build something amazing with our huge collection of Lego bricks!
All ages are welcome. 50p per child - book a ticket or drop in and pay on the day. All children must be accompanied by an adult.

DUPLO Lego session @Willingham Library
This is a free event but donations are welcome.
Book in the library or email: BarHill.Referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Secrets and Suspense, with author Alison Stockham
Bestselling author of psychological thrillers, Alison Stockham, introduces her latest novel The Man She Married.
Find out about Alison’s writing journey and the inspirations behind her gripping, suspense-filled stories.
Tickets £5 available from the desk at Bar Hill Library, or contact BarHill.Referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Engage: “Whodunnit?” - Discovering Huntingdon’s 19th Century Crimes
Time to get curious about local history by discovering some real-life whodunnit's from 19th century Huntingdonshire.
Join us to find out about some sensational crimes that we uncovered while researching Cambridgeshire Libraries free online reference library. Learn about the fate of murderers such as Joshua Slade and Walter Horseford and then turn detective when we look at the unsolved murders of William Snelling and PC Lamb.
FREE talk (donations welcome). Adults only.
Booking required. Collect a ticket from Huntingdon Library,
call 0345 045 5225, or email Huntingdon.Referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk
A Care Together event, creating a greener, fairer and more caring Cambridgeshire.

Indoor Kurling @Papworth Library
Do you fancy playing indoor kurling in the Library?
Join us whether you are new to the sport or a member of an existing club.
With support from Papworth Kurling Club, we are pleased to be able to offer additional sessions in Papworth Library.
Closed library, drop-in session.
Refreshments available. Donations welcome.

Engage - Duxford Airfield, Past and Present
The history of Duxford airfield from 1918 to its current position as a world ranking aircraft museum.
Bernard Olley (Guest Speaker)

Engage: 'Wild and Well' with Earth and Mind @Willingham Library
Learn about Earth & Mind’s ‘Foraging for Wellbeing’ sessions at Milton Country Park, and join in with their microgreens activity. There will be time for questions, as well as a hot drink and a chat.
Free drop-in event, donations welcome.

Cambourne Library Refurbishment
An opportunity for the community to see the exciting plans for the refurbishment of Cambourne Library.
We will be displaying the designers drawings to give an indication of the way the library will look and how the space will be expanded and used.
Refreshments available.

Engage: Tales From the Riverbank @ St Ives Library
Come with us on a voyage of discovery as we hear of the flora, fauna, and tales from our beautiful St Ives riverbank, shared with us today by St Ives Electric Boat Company.
Engage talks are free, but we kindly ask for a donation towards the cost of running and organising the wonderful events we put on.
To book your place, ask at the front desk in St Ives Library or email stives.referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Digital Switchover Drop-in
This is a free event.
Book in the library or email: Wisbech.referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Secrets and Suspense with author Alison Stockham at Papworth Library
Bestselling author of psychological thrillers, Alison Stockham, introduces her latest novel The Man She Married.
Find out about Alison’s writing journey and the inspirations behind her gripping, suspense-filled stories.

Engage: Tamar Nurseries Go Carbon Neutral
This is free event, but donations are welcome.
Book in the library or email: Wisbech.referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk